Today someone asked me if I can make a revised version of snpview to support "Show all bases". Manual operations shows that it required to right-click the alignment and select "Show all bases" from popped menu. The supported socket commands for IGV does not include this operation. (In fact it only supports a very few commands) Since IGV is open resource I decide to check out the source code to see if I can change the code then build a "Show all bases by default" IGV. 1. Find which source file is responsible for this option >grep -r -n "Show all bases" IGVDistribution_2.1.14/src/ src/org/broad/igv/sam/ final JMenuItem item = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Show all bases"); 2. OK let us check this file "src/org/broad/igv/sam/" vim +1533 src/org/broad/igv/sam/ The context shows: ************************************************************* public void addShowAllBasesMenuItem() { // Change track height by attribute final JMenuItem item = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Show all bases"); if (renderOptions.colorOption == ColorOption.BISULFITE || renderOptions.colorOption == ColorOption.NOMESEQ) { // item.setEnabled(false); } else { item.setSelected(renderOptions.showAllBases); } item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aEvt) { renderOptions.showAllBases = item.isSelected(); refresh(); } }); add(item); } ************************************************************* It looks like "renderOptions.showAllBases" controls the switch on/off. 3. Check the "renderOptions.showAllBases" grep -r -n "renderOptions.showAllBases" IGVDistribution_2.1.14/src/ src/org/broad/igv/sam/ item.setSelected(renderOptions.showAllBases); src/org/broad/igv/sam/ renderOptions.showAllBases = item.isSelected(); src/org/broad/igv/sam/ if (renderOptions.showMismatches || renderOptions.showAllBases) { src/org/broad/igv/sam/ boolean showAllBases = renderOptions.showAllBases && Notice the last line defines a boolean variable "boolean showAllBases ..." Is this what I am looking for? 4. Further investigation vim +635 src/org/broad/igv/sam/ The context shows: ************************************************************* // Disable showAllBases in bisulfite mode boolean showAllBases = renderOptions.showAllBases && !(colorOption == ColorOption.BISULFITE || colorOption == ColorOption.NOMESEQ); ************************************************************* Now it is quite clear: "showAllBases" controls the on/off of "Show all bases". 5. Now let us make a dirty patch ************************************************************* // Disable showAllBases in bisulfite mode // boolean showAllBases = renderOptions.showAllBases && // !(colorOption == ColorOption.BISULFITE || colorOption == ColorOption.NOMESEQ); boolean showAllBases = true; ************************************************************* We just set "true" to it for always "on"! Like I said, it is dirty because it completely ignore all options there. It may have potential problem, but at now, let us make a test. 6. Go back to the source and build >ant We will got a new "igv.jar". rename it as "igv_showallbases.jar" to discriminate the original one. >mv igv.jar igv_showallbases.jar 7. Test! java -jar igv_showallbases.jar It works! Now by default all bases in alignment are showed. The user is happy because he got what he wants!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Show all bases with IGV
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
microRNA differential expression
Goal: Find the microRNAs that are differentially expressed (DE) between two groups. Each group consists of 6 ~ 7 biological samples which go through illumina HiSeq2000 sequencer. Single-end with 50bp length. Method: 1. download gene table for microRNA from miRbase >wget 2. convert it from GFF into BED format(and filter non-microRNA) >awk '/^#/{print;next;} $3 == "miRNA" {print "chr"$1"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$9}' hsa.gff3 > hsa.bed 3. Align reads to hg19 whole genome using novoalign >novoalign -r None -d hg19.nix -f A_1.fq.gz A_2.fq.gz | gzip > A.sam.gz >java -jar ~/picard/SortSam.jar INPUT=A.sam.gz OUTPUT=A.bam CREATE_INDEX=true SO=coordinate VERBOSITY=ERROR QUIET=true >mv A.bai A.bam.bai 4. Counting with bedtools >~/BEDTools-Version-2.16.2/bin/bedtools multicov -bams A.bam -bed hsa.bed | awk '$4 !~ 0 {print $0}' > A.txt (to be continued)
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