Sunday, September 8, 2013

sampling(subset) NA12878

Based on the discussion from

For testing purpose, we need to get 10x, 20x and 40x WGS coverage using sample NA12878 from 1KG.
The raw fastq has ~643 million paired reads, which is equivalent to ~43x WGS coverage.

 $ll -h
 -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 54555856768 Apr 27 13:58 ERR262997_1.fastq.gz
 -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 55794552881 Apr 27 13:58 ERR262997_2.fastq.gz

55 GB each fastq file! We need to unzip it anyway

 $gunzip *.gz
 $ll -h
 -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 173198473181 Apr 27 13:58 ERR262997_1.fastq
 -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 173198473181 Apr 27 13:58 ERR262997_2.fastq

162GB each after unzipping. I am not sure I can handle something like this big.

Read length is 101 while genome size of hg19  is 3,000,000,000

to get a 10x coverage, we need:

 $echo $(( (10*3000000000)/(101*2) ))

About 148 million reads, from both pair-end files. Here comes the last and critical step.
Again, I am not sure if it is possible to "paste" two 162GB files.

for i in 10 20 40
num_reads=$(( (${i}*3000000000)/(101*2) ))
paste ERR262997_1.fastq ERR262997_2.fastq | awk '{ printf("%s",$0); n++; if(n%4==0) { printf("\n");}  else { printf("\t\t");} }' | shuf  | head -n ${num_reads}| sed 's/\t\t/\n/g' | awk '{print $1 >  "ERR262997_${i}x_1.fastq"; print $2 > "ERR262997_${i}x_2.fastq"}'

Now it is time to cross fingers ...


It does not work. This morning I got this error:

"shuf: memory exhausted".

I have to split the 162GB fastq file firstly. Number of lines is 2572389100, divided by 20, we got  128619455.

$split -l $splitSize -a 4 -d ERR262997_1.fastq output/ERR262997_1.
$split -l $splitSize -a 4 -d ERR262997_2.fastq output/ERR262997_2.

For each file fragment, applying above script then merge/cat the results into one fastq.


mkdir sample final

split -l $splitSize -a 4 -d ERR262997_1.fastq output/ERR262997_1.
split -l $splitSize -a 4 -d ERR262997_2.fastq output/ERR262997_2.

for i in 10 20 40
num_reads=$(( (${i}*3000000000)/(101*2*20) ))

for j in $(seq 0 19)
k=$(printf %04d $j)

echo $x $y
paste ERR262997_1.${k} ERR262997_2.${k} | awk '{ printf("%s",$0); n++; if(n%4==0) { printf("\n");} else { printf("\t\t");} }' | shuf  | head -n ${num_reads}| sed 's/\t\t/\n/g' | awk -v f=$x -v r=$y '{print $1 > f; print $2 > r}'

cat `ls sample/ERR262997_${i}x_1.*` > final/ERR262997_${i}x_1.fastq
cat `ls sample/ERR262997_${i}x_2.*` > final/ERR262997_${i}x_2.fastq
