>wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/bowtie-bio/files/bowtie/0.12.5/bowtie-0.12.5-linux-x86_64.zip/download
2. unzip
>unzip bowtie-0.12.5-linux-x86_64.zip
3. clean
>rm -fr bowtie-0.12.5-linux-x86_64.zip
4. test
>cd bowtie-0.12.5/
>./bowtie --version
5. download pre-build indexes (UCSC HG19)
>wget ftp://ftp.cbcb.umd.edu/pub/data/bowtie_indexes/hg19.ebwt.zip
>unzip hg19.ebwt.zip
>cd /home/ying/tools/bowtie-0.12.5
>mkdir -p data/UCSC
>mv *.ebwt /home/ying/tools/bowtie-0.12.5/data/UCSC
>ls /home/ying/tools/bowtie-0.12.5/data/UCSC
hg19.1.ebwt hg19.2.ebwt hg19.3.ebwt hg19.4.ebwt hg19.rev.1.ebwt hg19.rev.2.ebwt
6. Change the configuration file in galaxy
>vi /home/ying/galaxy/tool-data/bowtie_indices.loc
It should has this line:
hg19 /home/ying/tools/bowtie-0.12.5/data/UCSC/hg19
7. Restart the Galaxy
8. Make a online test
8.1 Upload a FASTQ file.
8.2 Apply FASTAQ Groomer
8.3 Run Bowtie
Dear Anand,
ReplyDeleteI followed this procedure exactly but Galaxy does not see Bowtie. What can I do?
Thanks for responding,